Faith Over Fear:
Faith doesnt happen when we stick to the status quo. Faith comes in when we decide to go against the grain, and reach for something far greater than ourselves.
Faith meets us when we are on the edge of our comfort zone.
So let me ask you this, have you been playing it safe, afraid of failing, or are you taking chances on yourself and going after your dreams?
We are no longer being called to play it safe and small, sticking to what others expect us to do. Faith is here to whisk us away to new heights, if we are willing to take the first step.
The card I pulled for the collective is all about transformation. I feel like we are tired of living the same life over and over and over again, and are ready to breakfree from the self-made limitations we have kept ourselves stuck in. We are seeing and feeling that there is way more to life than how we have been living. I feel like a lot of us are surrending right now. We are surrendering the notion of what other people expect us to do, and what we have been doing in exchange for freedom, peace, joy, and love.
We are shifting from the perspective that change is a scary dark forest to one of angelic enchantment and beautiful awakenings. Our perception of transformation has shifted because we are ready to see the truth behind change. When our lives change that means we have leveled-up in some way, shape, or form, and are ready to receive more of our Higher Self embodiment. As we change, we learn about the depths of our limitless love. Change is appreciated, accepted, and welcomed now.
God Bless Change.
Going back to faith, change offers us an opportunity to remember our faith and to call in the angels of faith to guide us on our new journey. As we create new avenues for change to occur, we are met with faith who sends us signs of affirmation.
This is your call to have faith in the changes you are making in your life, and even if it appears that the change is happening to you- it's not. On a deeper consciousnes level, your soul ushered forth the change that you are witnessing right now, so rejoice, you are fulfilling your soul's purpose in this lifetime.
Today, I invite you to smile inwardly as the waves of change come crashing on your shorelines. Perhaps you even feel called to step into water and feel the essence of your soul's transformation.
Remember- The more we lean into what makes us uncomfortable, the more we become comfortable with living on our growth edge.
Faith comes in to meet you when you are ready to break through the veils of illusion and create your own destiny. And when you create you own destiny, you are partnering hand-in-hand with faith. Because of this, know that whatever happens next is a byproduct of your faith.
Many blessings,
