Hello Sweet Angels!
This blog post is a follow up to the Navigating the Eclipse Season post a few weeks ago! Now I wanted to let you know that this upcoming solar eclipse is going to rock a lot of the collective consciousness (in a good way), but the energy around this time can be super intense.
Personally, I have been experiencing days when I am super energized and days when I want to rest, so really I am navigating this energy, letting my body led me, and finding the balance in it all.
So without further ado let us dive into what this Solar Eclipse has in store for us, and how we can use this energy to create, expand, and evolve our consciousness!

What is the solar eclipse?/Why is everyone freaking out about April 8th- Archangel Michael is here to lay all the stories to rest about this day, and to cut all the ties associated to the fear mongering when it comes to what people are saying on the internet. This day is filled with creator energy, and offers us a unique portal where we can literally accelerate our creations into this world.
We are literally being illuminated by the sky. Our solar plexus chakra and internal systems are receiving soooo many upgrades, and with that said, we have the power to recreate the structure of our reality on this day.
Did you know that this day is also the New Year in the Jewish calendar? As well as the day of Annunciation (where Archangel Gabriel came to Mother Mary to announce the coming of Christ)? This is no coincidence. We are being given a fresh start, a new opportunity to bring the inner christ consciousness to live inside of us all.
So Michael suggests that we take time in the moments leading up to the eclipse to sit with ourselves and the angels in meditation, and journal on what it is that we really want to create for ourselves and the world.
Reflection Questions:
What would the world look with your manifestation alive in it? How will people act? How can your creations serve the planet and humanity as well as the multi-dimensional beings that support us off planet?
Really tune into these questions and ask yourself how your creations will make the world a better place, as they have the opportunity to manifest right before your eyes.
Michael is also saying Midas Touch, we have the Midas touch on this day that whatever we touch can turn to gold when done with the highest of intentions.
Direct Message From Michael:
"This is where you are going you are going to receive the downloads from us with ease and grace, the creator energy is the ability to birth new worlds into creation, new paradigms can be created in these moments when our solar plexus chakra is fully activated and ready to inspire nations to live in their light. This is when you are operating in the most balanced state between your lunar energy and your solar energy, these eclipses really have the power to bring you back into balance because of their heavy shifts from one side of the spectrum to the other."
Connection Between the Lunar & Solar Eclipse:
The lunar eclipse was here to bring up the mud or the shit that was laying beneath the surface for you to assess and acknowledge, and release. As we begin to look at these areas of our lives where we have been suppressing our personal power out of fear of judgement or hurting others, or triggering others, we are meant to harness the energy of the solar eclipse to step into our power and create waves of change in those areas by showing up in our fullest embodiment of our personal power. We have literally been given the solution as to how to navigate through all this relationship trauma and situations that have been going on by stepping into our power and letting our inner "city of lights" guide us.
We are truly realizing and reestablishing our connection to the divine feminine and the divine masculine at this time, and honoring each of these aspects in our relationships and seeing how we can transform and alchemize them into their highest form, with the eclipse energy. When we focus on the masculine or the solar we are able to build and create healthy functions, routines, & foundations that support the growth of the feminine or the relationships in our lives. When we stand in our power, people and every area of our lives feel safe and secure as we are the rock in which the house stands.
These two eclipses are quite literally transforming all areas of our lives and allowing us to be seen in an entirely new way. We are realigning and reconnecting with the deep feminine aspects of ourselves and shining with the masculine, balancing the dark and the light, and using both to help propel us forward.
When we are in our power we naturally create that is what we do.
Angel Messages:
Receive & Release- leading up to the eclipse this is a time to prepare yourself to receive what you have been calling in, and on the actual day of the eclipse, it is a great time to manifest. The days leading up are more of a time to sit and reflect on what it is you are asking to receive and assessing any areas of your life that you are still holding onto fear. This solar eclipse is going to illuminate every area within our lives and if we are still holding onto fear, that pattern is going to stay with us for a while. I know we don't want that, so in this week leading up to the eclipse, do that shadow work to release anything that is causing you to stay within a state of fear, and shift this energy by leaning into the power of your solar plexus chakra. When we stand up for ourselves, and tell this fear that it has no hold on us, that is when we are in our true power, and it is time to awaken this lion/lioness energy and move past the fear, so that we can truly show the Universe we are ready to welcome in this bigger and bolder life.
Mediate - Going hand in hand with releasing and receiving, this is a GREAT time to meditate because everything is super activated right now so your guides can come through with extra powerful messages and insights to help you navigate your way through the shadow aspects. Meditation is also a great way to tune into the angelic messages that want to come through so you can build on the foundation you have created, and use your personal power (solar plexus) to activate and ignite these messages into your life. So go inward, and see what comes through as these messages will correlate to you stepping fully into your power, and embodying your Highest Self.
Ground- the energy we are about to receive is SUPER potent as we are upgrading on all levels (nervous system, cellular, spiritual etc.) and in order to receive the fullest capacity of light we must anchor ourselves into Gaia. Archangel Arielle is sharing with us the secrets of grounding into the Earth Mother as a way to tap into her profound wisdom that is stored underground. We are not only receiving cellular upgrades from the sun, but the Earth as well, so go outside and get ready to receive from both ends of Heaven and Earth.
Earth Mother Codes- She is restoring our natural rhythms and bringing us back into sync with her ecosystems. Sometimes we can sway from heaven or earth but not be balanced in both, so this earth medicine is specifically designed to infuse our cells with balance and a renewed sense of solidarity in our foundations as we continue to grow our roots with Gaia. She is also here to help us return to a natural way of living, observing our natural surrounding, witnessing how the animals and plant ecosystems function, seeing how they connect and supply each other with the resources needed to survive. This is what we are moving towards, we are moving towards this unity where we connect with each other and assist one another in our individual ascensions, helping us to better anchor in this new reality. After this eclipse we will feel a deep connection to all that is and to each other, fresh new relationships will blossom that are in divine alignment with where you are on your soul's journey, and you will begin to understand the rhythms of your body and how to nourish yourself with the fruits (or harvest) of the Earth Mother. (And when we show the Earth Mother love and honor her, we are healing her in that moment. So send her love, she knows what to do with the love she receives.)
May these messages inspire you to step into your power and let your inner lion rawr. It is a blessing to be here on this Earth guiding, empowering, and leading us all into the Highest version of ourselves.
May you always fly on angels wings.
Amanda Shannon